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Why water is good for the gallbladder and how water helps to improve its functioning

The gallbladder, together with the liver, participates in the digestion of fats, creates an alkaline environment, activates food enzymes, stimulates intestinal motility and removes harmful substances from the body.

Improper nutrition, stress, smoking and alcohol consumption lead to impaired functions of the gallbladder and biliary tract, causing such pathological conditions as:

  • dyskinesia is a violation of the motor function of organs, usually the digestive tract, which manifests itself as too active or insufficiently active muscle contraction. As a result, pain, cramps or digestive problems may occur;
  • сholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, usually caused by a blockage of the bile ducts, such as stones. This leads to pain in the right side of the abdomen, fever, nausea;
  • pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. May cause severe upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Prevention and treatment

For the treatment, normalization and prevention of diseases associated with improper functioning of the gallbladder, doctors prescribe a diet and systematic use of mineral water.

It is interesting that the acid-alkaline balance (pH) in the human body is not uniform. In some organs, the environment is acidic, in others - alkaline.

To restore the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, you need just alkaline water (this is water with a higher pH level than ordinary drinking water; usually its pH is higher than 7). As a result of proper use (the scheme is prescribed by the doctor individually, but no more than 2 liters per day), alkaline water helps to remove toxins from the body, improves digestion, ensures favorable viscosity of bile and its normal outflow, prevents the development of inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of cholesterol stone formation.

The alkalinity of Aqua Myrhorod DETOX is 7.8-8.2 pH, that is, it is best suited for the prevention of gall bladder diseases. But the main thing is that the composition of Aqua Myrhorod DETOX is natural: that is, the water is not artificially enriched with minerals and microelements, but has a natural balanced beneficial composition.

Aqua Myrhorod warns: self-medication can be harmful to your health! If you have problems with the gallbladder, be sure to consult a doctor.