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Water regime during physical exertion

During intense training or any other physical activity, the human body quickly loses fluid. And if you do not replenish your body's water supply on time, your workout may end faster than you planned. You may feel dizzy, nauseous, or even worse, faint.

All these are symptoms of dehydration, which the body signals first with a feeling of thirst, and if you do not respond on time, with more serious consequences.

Sufficient and timely intake of water into the body ensures an optimal metabolic rate, and lack of fluid, on the contrary, slows down the metabolism, leads to unpleasant health consequences.

When, how much and how to drink water?

Always drink water - during exercise, before and after exercise. Don't wait for your body to sound the alarm with excruciating thirst or low blood pressure.

Important! Drink water in small portions, so as not to overflow the stomach. Before and during exercise, it is better to drink in small sips, no more than 100 ml per intake, so that the water has time to be absorbed and does not interfere with your exercises. After exercising, you can drink water in your usual mode and quantity.

"AQUA Myrgorod Detox" can be a great addition to exercise and will contribute to:

  • Maintaining electrolyte balance;
  • Replenishment of lost fluid reserves;
  • Ensuring well-being during exercises;
  • Prevention of dehydration;
  • Providing the required energy level.

Stay vigorous with "AQUA Myrgorod Detox"!