Unique natural water
Sung by artists, the glorious Myrhorod region is famous throughout Ukraine and the whole world for its mineral and drinking waters, which have been extracted from the wells located on the territory of the resort town for more than a hundred years.
This region is unique. Sedimentary deposits of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic form the geological structure of the subsoil area, and the geological section of the well is penetrated to a depth of almost 700 m.
Natural mineral water comes from a well 695 m deep, located within the central part of the Dnipro-Donetsk depression, Dnipro artesian basin and connected to Lower Cretaceous and Cenomanian sediments.
Rising to the surface of the earth, mineral water goes through several natural stages of purification, being enriched with natural minerals. To preserve its healing properties, the water is bottled directly at the source.
Back in 1912, an artesian well was drilled in Myrhorod for the needs of the city. The water had a salty taste, so the townspeople used it only for household needs. Later on, they noticed that their health improved, joint pains disappeared, and weathered skin healed faster. Ivan Zubkovsky, a well-known doctor at the time, took water samples and sent them to the Military Medical Academy in Petrograd. The water was recognized not only as drinkable and useful, but as unique. This is how a healing source of crystal mineral water was discovered.
Due to its unique composition, mineral water from Myrhorod is used in the treatment of more than 100 diseases. Before the war, people suffering from stomach, intestines, liver, diabetes, heart and joint diseases came to Myrhorod from 30 countries of the world for having treatment.
Today, LLC "AQUA Myrhorod" ensures that the unsurpassed taste and healing properties of Myrhorod mineral water can be available in any region of Ukraine, and soon in the whole world.
About us

"Aqua Myrgorod LLC"
Аква МиргородProduction address: 2 O. Oksanchenko str., town of Myrgorod, Poltava oblast, Ukraine, 37601.
Well No. 287-V is located in the town of Myrgorod, Poltava oblast. Well depth - 695 m.
The Company "Aqua Myrgorod" uses a Swiss-made cover, which is made of special materials, and a PET bottle with a reduced plastic content to reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Social responsibility is very important in our times.

High-quality and safe products of "Aqua Myrgorod" are manufactured in compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation and due to the work of highly qualified specialists who care of their business.
The Company "Aqua Myrgorod" has developed and operates an integrated, certified food safety management system for compliance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 22000:2019 (ISO 22000:2018) and a quality management system for compliance with the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015), implemented the principles of the HACCP system.