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How to deal with stress

The modern rhythm and living conditions are inevitably associated with stress. We are so used to chronic stress that we stop noticing it. But at the same time, our entire body, while experiencing tension, tries to work hard. As a result, sooner or later, it will display for us an error, and we will face health problems.

People who have experienced chronic stress, among other things, often have digestive problems, bloating, pain after eating, flatulence, constipation, or diarrhea. And because of a violation of the regulation of feelings of satiety and hunger, a person can overeat or be malnourished. At the same time, stress affects taste preferences and food choices. Some people may have an increased craving for sweets or fast food, while others may lose their appetite altogether.

To help the body cope and get out of a stressful state, you can try to change your behavior, diet, and lifestyle in general.

First of all, it is necessary to organize a sleep regime so as to provide the body with a sound sleep from 22:00 to 6:00. It is at this time that our body is able to recover as much as possible. 2 hours before bedtime, turn off your gadgets, read a book, do breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, and meditate. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, you can drink a glass of milk or cherry juice that contain melatonin, before going to bed. Melatonin allows you to restore human biological rhythms, organize high-quality sleep and speed up the process of falling asleep. It can also be found in pistachios, eggs, sardines, almonds, and figs.

Develop the habit of doing regular relaxation exercises throughout the day, listening to music if possible, taking a cold shower, and even in the most difficult situations, try to smile more often. To find a way to relax that is right for you, listen to your body more often. This is your loyal adviser.

Nutrition under stress

Experts recognize the Mediterranean diet as the most effective diet for stress. It is thanks to this diet, rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, seeds, nuts, that we get enough nutrients that support psychological health. Also add kefir, yogurt, fermented vegetables, etc., to your diet.

At the same time, avoid highly processed foods that contain sweeteners, colorants, flavorings, and preservatives.

Important! Remember of conscious nutrition. Eat slowly, chewing slowly, feeling the taste and smell of each bite. This is another method by which we help the body to overcome stress and help our stomach to digest food.

And don't forget to consume enough fluids.

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