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AQUA Myrhorod Detox: an ally in the fight against alcoholic flatulence

Bloating after drinking alcohol is a common problem, but AQUA Myrhorod Detox can be your ally in the fight against it.

Advantages of AQUA Миргород Detox:
Contains hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can help relieve the symptoms of heartburn and bloating.
Reduces inflammation. Helps to reduce the severity of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, which can be the cause of bloating.
Restores electrolyte balance. Alcohol leads to dehydration and imbalance of electrolytes, AQUA Myrhorod Detox helps to restore this balance.
Enriched with minerals. Contains potassium, which helps remove excess water from the body, reducing bloating.

How AQUA Myrhorod Detox can help:

Drink water before, during and after drinking alcohol. This will help prevent dehydration and reduce intoxication.
Use as an independent drink. AQUA Myrhorod Detox mineral water can be a pleasant and useful drink for consumption during the day.
Add to cocktails. Replace carbonated and sweet mixers with AQUA Myrhorod Detox to make cocktails more healthy.

Use AQUA Myrhorod Detox as part of your healthy lifestyle:

Drink a lot of water. Mineral water helps remove toxic metabolic products from the body and prevents bloating.
Avoid carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks can increase bloating.
Don't smoke. Smoking can cause inflammation and bloating.
Eat low-fat food, limit fast food. Eating healthy foods will help your body recover from drinking alcohol.

AQUA Myrhorod Detox is not just water, it is your ally for a healthy and comfortable life.

Remember! Alcohol abuse can harm your health. See your doctor if you experience chronic bloating.

AQUA Myrhorod Detox — your way to better health!